Q&A (8): How to deal with a tricky mother in law.

Dear Sarah,

I have been married six years to Pete. It is generally a good relationship but we argue a lot about his parents – well his mother to be more precise. I find her infuriating. She still fusses over him like he is a little boy and I always feel like she is criticising me, if not outwardly then inwardly. It has got worse since we had our daughter two years ago. She is always telling me how to do stuff or making suggestions or trying to take control. It drives me mad. I know I need to get on with her for Pete’s sake but I am telling you it is hard. How can I improve the way I relate to her?

Love Clare.

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Q&A (7) : What can I do with my DVD collection?

Dear Sarah

I've been married for a few years now and barring some minor disagreements have a generally happy relationship. Fortunately I managed to marry a woman with taste when it comes to interior decorating and we didn't really need my furniture or much of my "stuff" when we bought a home together as, quite frankly, her things are much nicer!

The one thing I do have is a fairly extensive DVD collection that I am proud of (as much as anyone can be proud of such things). Alas, it is stored away in a not very convenient place. The 3 different sized cupboards are not very big and I can't arrange them at all - either alphabetically, by classification or by genre - which as you can no doubt tell is frustrating. Neither can I look back and take stock of the whole collection in one go, as one might with a CD or record collection say, which occurs when I'm thinking of what to watch or more importantly, what to put on for a friend who has come over to watch one with me.

My wife doesn't seem very keen in me making it more obvious or accessible and although I'm not sure I want it all across the wall in the room where the telly is, (although I sort of do) - I don't know how to convince her that it could do with being in a better place, without being thought of as a little silly. Do you have any ideas on how to broach the subject with her?


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