Yesterday, I watched a video from a former coach of mine, Rich Litvin. He has a question that he loves to ask his clients. It is also a question that his accountability group will always ask each other whenever they meet up:
"What is the one thing you do NOT want me to know about you?"
It is a hard question, don’t you think? It gets us deep inside – in that place where we want to keep our secrets, insecurities and fears safe. We worry that if you know that thing about me – that you would reject me, laugh at me or think less of me. We therefore push it down, hide it and keep it in the dark.
I remember observing one thirty-year old woman in a group coaching session. She wanted to share what she called a deep dark secret but she felt so consumed by fear and anxiety that...
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Dear Sarah,
My family and I have just moved into a new home. We didn't have time to sort through all our stuff before we left our last one so we have brought everything with us! The problem is that my husband and I and my children all have different ideas on what needs to stay or go and I am feeling weary just thinking about it all. Part of me wants to take everything off to the charity shop or the dump but I know that probably isn't the answer. I want to have things in the house that are useful but also authentic to who we are as a family. That's hard when we don't agree. Is there such a thing as authentic de-cluttering? And if so, where do I start?
Love Anne*
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I first heard the expression "words of life" from a couple I know with six children. Not only did they make it their goal to speak kindly and encouraging of everyone in their lives, but they also encouraged their children to do so. It had an amazing impact on all their relationships and the atmosphere in their home.
We can probably all remember hurtful words that have been spoken to us in the past.
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